John W. Thompson is Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Symantec Corporation. Under Thompsons leadership, Symantec has grown from a small consumer software publisher to a global leader in infrastructure software, enabling businesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world.
Thompson and his team have grown the company by building new solutions internally, making strategic acquisitions and establishing relationships with key technology partners. With global operations in 40 countries, the company helps customers protect their infrastructure, information and interactions by delivering software and services that address risks to security, availability, compliance and performance.
In September 2002, President George W. Bush appointed Thompson to the National Infrastructure Advisory Committee (NIAC), to make recommendations regarding the security of the critical infrastructure of the United States. In addition, Thompson has served as the chair of the Silicon Valley Blue Ribbon Task Force on Aviation Security and Technology to identify and evaluate technology-driven solutions to improve the security and efficiency of national and local aviation.
Prior to joining Symantec, Thompson had a distinguished career with the IBM Corporation where he held senior executive positions in sales, marketing and software development. In his last assignment, he was general manager of IBM Americas and a member of the companyصs Worldwide Management Council.
He is a member of the board of directors of UPS, Seagate and Teach for America. Thompson also serves as the chairman of the board for the Cyber Security Industry Alliance, the only advocacy group dedicated exclusively to ensuring the privacy, reliability and integrity of information systems through public policy, technology, education and awareness. He completed his undergraduate studies at Florida A AND M University and holds a masterصs degree in management science from MITs Sloan School of Management .