To cope with the fast and ever growing developments in the field of information technology, Al-Jazirah Corporation for Press, Publishing, and Printing has launched this specialist magazine under the title "Telecom and Digital World" to bridge a gap in covering the field of technology in the Arabic media. The magazine is published every Sunday and distributed as a compliment by Al-Jazirah Newspaper.
It has been our intention to offer through the "Telecom and Digital World" real cultural, informational, and educational journalistic materials that suit the requirements of the various sectors of the community. We are so keen to present a mix of balanced and serious materials in order to keep our readers updated with the latest IT news, activities, and events. We have allocated suitable spaces in this magazine to review the latest IT technologies and peripheries as well as smart electronic and educational solutions. We also give special attention to the attitudes of our young generation, who are considered to be the main consumers of modern technology, by conducting interviews related to IT as well as running features that reveal their opinions about the technologies they use.
It has been our great pleasure to see "Telecom and Digital World", in spite of its relatively short age, attracting the interest of many advertisers, who found in it a successful means for conveying their messages. Our readers, especially the youths and officials in government and private sectors who are interested in the news of the world of technology, have shown great interest in following its stories, which are presented in a simple and attractive way.
Hence, "Telecom AND Digital World" has been keen to be in the heart of the events of technology, especially in the symposia, shows, and occasions relevant to the IT world. The most important of such events is GITEX Technology Week, which has emerged to be one of the most prominent technological expos in the world due to the support it acquires from Dubai Governor and Deputy President of UAE Shiekh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Each year GITEX attracts great numbers of people who are interested in the IT and telecommunication world, not only from the Arab World, but also from all over the world. In this important gathering, visitors will have the opportunity to attend lectures and symposia that discuss the latest innovations and discoveries of this vital sector. Many workshops and seminars are held and international companies compete to promote their products for the purpose of concluding maximum possible number of transactions with both government and private sectors. We do believe that any one who regularly attends GITEX Dubai will find himself spontaneously updated with the latest findings in the field of IT and telecommunications technology.
Hence, we have dedicated this special issue of the "Telecom and Digital World" to the GITEX Technology Week, in order to cast light on participant companies and technologies, including mobile technologies and services, hardware and software solutions, etc. We have exerted great efforts to provide a coverage that suits this vital event.
Finally, though I appreciate DICEC efforts and its high experience in organizing such expos, it has not been, in my opinion, successful in setting the right timing for the event. Organized at the end of the vacations season and prior to opening of schools and arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, the event comes this year at a critical time. Organizers of GITEX Dubai for the last year took the right decision by delaying its opening till November, a step which has not been taken this year.