رئيس التحرير : خالد بن حمد المالك

أول صحيفة سعـودية تصــدرعلـى شبكـة الانتــرنت صحيفة يومية تصدرها مؤسسة الجزيرة للصحافة والطباعة والنشر

الطبعة الثانيةالطبعةالثالثةاختر الطبعة

Sunday 27th May,2001 العدد:10468الطبعةالاولـي الأحد 4 ,ربيع الاول 1422

الصفحة التعليمية

Replce one word in the sentence with other on the right:
1- I do not want to work immediately, but I would rather contiue studying. )Keep on(.
2- This will greatly help the developint world. )benefit(.
3- Calligraphy is a specialized skill. )art(.
4- King Abdul Asiz Musemu shows the old Saudi currency. )display(.
5- We ded not like that person because he was impolite. )common(.
6- She placed the clean clothes on the chair. )laid(
7- Repoters receive unfriendly answers to their questions. )hostile(.
8- Stairs can be dangerous especially for elderly people )particularly(.
9- All students are same in the exyes of their teacer )equal(.
10- This tent gives room for three people. )space(.
11- My friend is a great basketball supporter. )fan(.
12- My schedule is very busy this week. )time table(.


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