| الصفحة التعليمية
يربي1- bring up = TaKe care of
وظيفة 2 -career = Job
تأمين3-insurance = an agreement to pay money
شخصية زعيم 4-character = Leader or ruler
عطوف5 -Kind = helpful
بمفرده 6 -lonely= alone
يفكر7-consider = think about
يهتم ب8 -keen on = interested in
يستمر 9 -keep on = continue
اقتصاد10 -economics = the study of money
علوم انسانية11 - humanities = the study of literature
ذكي 12 - intelligent = quick to understand
صيدلة 13 - pharmacology = the study of medicine
آسف14 - pity = sorry
علوم بيطرة 15 -veterinary sciences = the study of animals
يعرض 16 -display = show
مواطن 17 -subject = citizen
رئيس 18 -chief = leader = ruler
رغبة يريد 19 -desire = want
كل20 -entire = whole
عادل 21 -fair = honest
إيمان 22 -faith = strong belief
عدائي 23 -hostile = unfriendly
يغير 24 -adopt = change
يساعد ميزة25 -benefit = help= an advantage
يتحدى26 -challenge = compete
تعاون 27 -cooperation = working together
ذاكرة 28 -memory = an abiliy to remember
محدد29 -ration = limit
رطوبة 30 -moisture = water in small drops
خط 31 -script = writing
شائع 32- common = usua
يرفض 33 -decline = say no
يؤكد34- emphasize = stress
يشرح 35 -illustrate = explai
مطلوب 36 -in demand = want
مفضل 37 -popular = liked
هائل 38 - sianted = not vertical
شكل 39 -version = form
قبو 40 - basement = rooms under ground
مواسير 41 -drainage = pipes
مصعد 42 -escalator = lift
يضع 43 -lay = put
خصوصاً 44 -particularly = especially
ساحة45 -plaza = an open area