أول صحيفة سعـودية تصــدرعلـى شبكـة الانتــرنت صحيفة يومية تصدرها مؤسسة الجزيرة للصحافة والطباعة والنشر

الطبعة الثانيةالطبعةالثالثةاختر الطبعة

Monday 14th May,2001 العدد:10455الطبعةالاولـي الأثنين 20 ,صفر 1422

الصفحة التعليمية

Charles Dickens
Dickens wrote novels. He lived in the 19th century. He is one of the most famous novelist in English literature.
We will give some questions which clear the main ideas.
1 What does literature mean? It means the writing or the study of artworks.
2 What is a novel? IT is a long story.
3 What is a play? It is a story, which is watched.
4 What is fiction? It a story made up by a writer.
5 What is biography? It is a true story about person,s life.
6 What is autobiography? It is a true story about the writer himself.
7 Is a novel fiction or biography? It is a fiction.
8 Is fiction a biography or made up? Fiction is made up.
*New Words:
1 author = a writer كاتب - مؤلف
2 autobiography سيرة ذاتية
3 biography قصة حياة
4 fictionرواية خيالية
5 makeupmadeup يؤلف - مؤلف
6 play مسرحية
7 Theatre مسرح
8 stage خشبة المسرح
9 poetry شعر
10 poet شاعر
11 poemنثر
12 verseقصيدة
13 novel رواية
14 novelistكاتب روائي
15 play writerكاتب مسرحي
16 short story قصة قصيرة
17 criticise ينقد
18 criticism نقد


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